viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015

My future job

Hello classmates!
Today I will talk about my future job, I mean on that work I would like to have in the future.
I would love to work in something related to my career. I would like to work in research or documentation on artworks. something like working in the Museum of Memory and Human Rights.

I would also like working watching movies, write reviews about them and classify them according to their public. It would be my dream job, because I love to watch movies of all kinds, even if they are bad. anyway this would be my dream jobs.

Anyway next year I need to work. I need a part time job, so in this case I would like to work as a waitress in a nice neighborhood, near where I live. I could also work in a bookstore, or a store that sells materials for art, because I know the subject and so could be a good consultant for beginning artist
I could be comfortable in a job like this.
And as a last option. I work in a store like Casa & Ideas, because I like the stuff they sell there, but I think it must be a boring job, I would not mind at all.
I've had friends who have worked in the Cinema, I think it should also be adequate for my work, and I like the atmosphere of a film, with the smell of popcorn (ñami) would be fine for me.
As I have not worked much in my life, I think that no work would be too bad, I need to make money so I can not be so picky lol

Such is life, I hope not hate my job when I already have one.

A song that has a special meaning

Think of only one song was very difficult, because I love the music and most of the songs I heard are important and I remember many moments in my life.
 There's a song that I think is very important to me. I remember listening long after that I had a boyfriend who cheated me.
 I remember many songs make me shead tears, until one day I found an album of Silvio Rodriguez. 
You must think it's not the best artist pretending to listen to overcome a relationship, especially if someone broke your heart.
Magically on the CD was a song that made me felt much better. This song connected me with things I liked and wanted in my life.
The song is titled "Quien fuera" a few years ago the Chilean band Los Bunkers did a cover of this song that I also like.
The song also gave me strength to not go back to that boyfriend.
I helped me find myself and know that was what I really wanted.
I remember listening every day to remember there are more important and more terrible things and there are also wonderful things, wonderful possibilities that life gives us every day to fight for what we want.

A day I will always rememeber

It was the summer of 2009, I had already received the results of the PSU test and had not been selected to go to college, but my family and I thought that all was not lost in any case I would take a year to study for test and take it a second time
Anyway like I said all was not lost , there was hope, there was a chance. My father and I had gone to college to enroll in the process of further waiting list.

if the list came running and vacancies were released, there was a remote chance of going to college, but still was an opportunity I could not miss.
The days passed, and suddenly one day his sleep in the morning my phone rings, do not answer as he slept.

When I woke up later, I remembered the call and check my phone, I realized that I had in the mailbox a voice message (no one ever heard such messages!) was an unknown number, so I decided to listen.

He was the secretary of the University, called me to tell me that I had been selected to enter the career of Visual Arts, and if accepted the vacancy as soon as possible should go to enroll

I was very happy and excited I remember listening to the message jumped and screamed with joy, was fulfilling the dream of entering the University of Chile. I will always remember that moment. Imagine if I had not heard that voice message! I can not imagine my life without that day, it was a memorable day.

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Second Semester Reflexions

I must say that this semester has been very hard, because of the number of classes I had to take and because of this the days get shorter, not enough hours to perform all the tasks required by the university. This is very frustrating as the desire and motivation are enough, but the time to study is not sufficient to complete these task. The only solution to this problem is the organization, have an agenda has been very useful in this semester, at least help to sort tasks and mind.
Every hour of the day has become something very valuable, also the time to relax and have fun, which is not much. Anyway this problem of lack of time, it has served to me to appraise further leisure, and visiting friends and family, enjoy the outdoors, take time to be with my boyfriend, short trips, time for practice sports, anyway, many activities that can not be put aside, because for me are very important in my life, so if I stop doing these things, which makes me happy, I get depressed, I can't spend all time alone, stressed and working for the university, so the only solution has been to organize my time, this is the most positive thing I could do this semester, nobody says it easy and fast to reach this balance (sometimes I do not make it) but I think little by little I have carry out.
I hope, if I keep working this way everything goes well, so I can pass all classes (including English Level 4 obviously) 
Good luck to everyone in this end of semester!

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

How green are you?

Today I will talk about the need to recycle.
I believe that in Chile many people care about the environment and recycling, but unfortunately this green action not complemented with the country, I think it's because the government does not seem really concerned about the environment and care not implemented actual recycling policies and for the whole community, so not all actions as separate waste recycling, real will, since the garbage truck will gather all we can say that the recycling cycle is incomplete
In my experience I can say that my cycle of recycling if completed at some points, for example separated from the organic garbage: Plastic bottles, glass, cardboard and paper that is recycled. I also separated milk cartons, which must be washed before recycling. I also save water in the bathroom in the toilet tank with water bottle is left, so save water because they do not need all that water to flush the toilet.
Other things I do to help the environment: I use cloth bags to go to the supermarket, and sometimes, when I can use my bike (I do it in Rancagua, especially in the summer) if not so I use public transportation or just walk. I think you can always do more things to help the environment, but I feel that any contribution however small it is just as important and meaningful.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

A movie that I like and movie that I hate

Hi classmates!
Today I will talk about the movie that I like and I hate mos

It is very hard for me to pick a favorite film becuase I really like the movies in all its forms, anyway I must choose one, and choose as a favorite movie: Inglorius Bastards, film of Quentin Tarantino. The film was released in 2009, he received several awards including an Oscar.
The film is a fiction set in Nazi Germany, where two groups converge. One of this is a group of soldiers whose goal is to eliminate nazi soldiers, led by first Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt). The other group is the story of a Jewish woman named Shoshana (Melanie Laurent) which escapes from Nazi persecution, which is led by Colonel Hans Landa of the SS (Christoph Waltz)called the "Jew Hunter" is this character which murdered Shoshana Family, she swore revenge. Both stories are crossing between the group of Lt. Aldo Rain and history Shoshana, to eliminate the high-ranking Nazis.
I think I can say that this is one of my favorite movies because the director and the film type proposed which always has a portion of comedy and also a lot of blood. I must mention the soundtrack, which adds emotion to the film

And a movie I hate: Zoolander could say that is because they do not really like that kind of absurd comedy, it becomes boring for me. Most of my friends think that is the funniest movie I'm just saying it's too ridiculous. And I forgot to say that I hate Ben Stiller, in the only film which it actually liked is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

An artist that I admire

Hello classmates! Today I'm going talk about an artist that I admire. I must say that I admire very types of artists but if I had to choose one in particular would definitely be Victor Jara, this artist was a great musician, composer, actor, theater director and political activist.
Victor Jara became an international benchmark of the “protest song” and at national level it was one of the most emblematic artists of the “new Chilean song”, becoming one of the most recognized figures in Chilean folklore.
He was born in the province south of Chile called Ñuble in September 1932, he grew up with parents who were farmers and brothers, his mother learned to play guitar and sing.
Victor studied theater in a school of the Universidad de Chile, here it is becoming one of the best directors of the Chilean scene, earning awards and critical acclaim specialized. His work in popular music is central to what know today as Chilean folklore, his musical creation is always inclined to the rescue of the popular traditions, because of this and to his great talent that his songs become something like hymns of the “popular song”.
Since 1970 assumed a political commitment by participating in the campaigns of the “Unidad Popular” and government of Salvador Allende. After the September 11, will be taken arrested and then killed by the military dictatorship. It is for all his talent and great socialcommitment that I admire deeply.